game play
Yeet! Card Game Rules:
The objective of Yeet! is to be the first team to play all the cards from your YEET! Pile (and say Yeet!) while playing on GAME piles for additional points. Highest Score wins.
1. Shuffle the deck and count 13 cards to create the YEET! pile.
2. Deal four cards face-up next to each other for each team's TEAM cards.
3. Keep the remaining cards face-down as the BURN pile.
1. To start the game, someone says, "YEET!" and the game begins. Game play ends when the first team has used all of the cards from their YEET! Pile & has said YEET!
2. Players play on their own TEAM cards in descending order, rotating colors and using a different color other than the color of the card being played upon.
3. The GAME piles can be played by everyone and must be in ascending order, starting with the #1 card of each color. GAME piles must be accessible to all.
4. The BURN pile may only be turned three at a time, and only the top visible card can be used. Once the top card is played, the next visible card may be used as well, and so on. These cards can help create opportunities to play cards from your Yeet! Pile or be played on GAME Piles for additional points.
5. The YEET! pile contains 13 cards, with only the top card visible. Played one card at a time, and the game is won once all the cards from this pile have been played. The player who yells "Yeet!" first receives 15 points for the round. For other teams, each remaining card in the Yeet! pile deducts one point (-1) from their score.
YEET! Pile:
1. 13 cards in the YEET! pile with the top card only face up.
2. Cards are turned 1 at a time
3. Players must take turns with the YEET! pile.
BURN Pile:
1. The burn pile consists of face-down cards that are turned over three at a time.
2. Only the top card can be used, and once played, the next card in the pile becomes accessible for play.
3. When the entire burn pile has been turned, burn the top card and start over by turning over three new cards at a time.
TEAM Cards:
1. Each team has 4 face-up TEAM cards placed side by side.
2. Only your team may play off the TEAM cards.
3. Different colors are played in descending order.
4. When a TEAM card is used, replace it from your Yeet! pile, or move a whole or partial part of one working pile to another if it continues in descending order and is a different color.
GAME Cards:
1. GAME cards are community cards placed in the middle and accessible to all players.
2. Start each GAME pile with the #1 card of a specific color and continue in chronological order.
3. Multiple piles of the same color can be created.
4. Each card played in the group cards counts as one point (+1) for that round.
5. Players must maintain some order in the group card piles as cards are played.
Winning and Points:
1. The first team to play all the cards from their Yeet! pile may yell "Yeet!" to end the round.
2. After the round ends, collect and sort the group card piles.
3. Each remaining card in a team's Yeet! pile deducts one point (-1) from their score.
4. Each card played in the GAME piles adds one point (+1) to their score.
5. The team who yells "Yeet!" first receives 15 points (+15).
6. The first team to reach 50, 75, or 100 points wins the game.